Does Cap Gemini have jobs in SAP .?
Do Cap Gemini have opening for SAP HR Functional consultants?What are the career prospects for people with 1 yr. of exp. in SAP HR?
Training advice needed for BSc Computer Science student
I have just appeared for my final year BSc in Computer Science.I am expecting around 60+ % .I don't understand as to whether I should study ahead or begin with a job??Also will an MBA do good or will it be a diversion from the main computer field??If I do ab MBA, what field will be suitable for me??As for computers I know C,C++,Java,VB,VB.net and have little knowledge in JSP,ASP,VC++,Unix.I have additionally...
B.E. Electronics graduate Job assistance with experience in small companies
Sir, I am B.E. Electronics with 2 years Exp. as Software Faculty & 1 Years Exp. in Software Development & 1 Year Exp. in Software Testing But that is all in small company . So please guide me where to apply can s/w faculty & developer exp. are counted for testing reply early