When a vendor writes a driver to support a Siebel communications module, what two ways can they do this?
They can write a driver to extend the Siebel provided communications driver, or they can use the Adaptive Communications API.
In what component do you set the error logging for CTI?
Communications Session Manager
What is the default value for the LogDebug parameter in the Communications Session Manager Logfile?
FALSE, which specifies whether the LogFile parameter should contain extra detail.
How do you redisplay messages, especially error messages?
For previous message; choose Tools > Communications > Previous Message, for next message; choose Tools > Communications > Next Message. The next message will only appear after you invoke the Previous Message command.
What Call Processing Software and Call Information Manager come with Siebel CTI Connect, and what communications driver?
Siebel CTI Connect includes Intel NetMerge Call Processing Software and Intel NetMerge Call Information Manager. Siebel CTI Connect also includes the Siebel communications driver for Intel NetMerge and sample Siebel communications configuration data.
Explain how LOV’s are related to the communications driver?
They determine what values can be selected in certain fields (drop-down lists) in the Administration – Communications screen, and they must be set to ‘Active’ to appear in the UI. You should only need to add LOV’s when installing a custom communications driver. You never delete LOV’s provided by Siebel Systems, you may uncheck the ‘Active’ flag to hide it from the UI. For an existing LOV, the ‘Display...
Describe details of the ‘Recipient Group’, what are they comprised of?
Each recipient group specifies a source object, called the recipient source – like Opportunity, Account, Action, Internal Division, etc… The recipient group also specifies a recipient group business component, which must be a direct child of the primary business component for the recipient source object. The actual recipients come from the recipient group business component, like Employee, Contact;...
In what scenarios can you use Communications Templates?
To send outbound communications: using the Send Email, Send Fax, or Send Page commands, or replying to an inbound message in Siebel Email Response, or Creating and submitting and outbound communication request (whether it’s done manually or by using a module like Siebel Workflow that can invoke business service methods)
What relationships can Communication Templates support?
Parent / Child relationships only (2 levels)
What are the differences between Simple Templates and Advanced Templates?
Delivery profile can be associated for an advanced template, a recipient group is specified for an advanced template (a business object is specified for a simple template), you can specify a create activities for requests that use the template, you can specify to include a bookmark URL for the recipient source record, you can create template items for advanced templates
What are the benefits of specifying items for an Advanced Template?
Allows you to construct templates in modular fashion, based on literature items or files. It allows you to use advanced field substitution (iteration child business component), to specify content both for the message body and for attachments, and to specify alternative versions of the message body (for email only) in plain-text of HTML. You can combine template text and template items in the same advanced...
For a Page Template, what two formats is the template item allowed to be in?
Plain-text file or Literature item
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